Polwarths have lived on our property for 88 years. In carrying on the Polwarth tradition, we strive to breed big framed upstanding sheep which produce quality wool as well as a good meat carcass.
- Greg Potter
Welcome to Fairview Polwarths
Fairview is located on loamy undulating country 14km south east of Colac with the average annual rainfall of 900mm.
The property carries 950 Polwarth ewes in a dual purpose wool and fat lamb operation. Ewes are mated to either Polwarth rams or White Suffolk rams.
Ewes lamb in June/July with lambs weaned at 14-16 weeks. The flock is shorn in December and lambs are fattened on a summer crop before being sold in March/April.
Our Aims
Breeding objectives for the next 7 years are for all ewes to achieve:
- Body weight of 55-65kg
- Micron range of 21-22 micron
- Skirted greasy fleece weight of 4.5-5.5kg
- Increase eye muscle diameter and fat depth by a minimum of 15%
Performance Recording
To work towards our objectives efficiently, animals are individually recorded on Sapien Technology Kool Collect software where the following information is recorded:
- Electronic identification
- Pedigree
- Health treatments
- Weight gain
- Wool & Carcase measurements
- Breeding performance
- Photos from Fairview Polwarths's post A big day at Fairview, with pregnancy scanning for 2025 happening.
Our wonderful scanner, Sarah, was pleased with the final scanning percentage sitting at 119%. We did have much higher than normal dry numbers, at 11% but given the season, ... 1 CommentsWell done. “Green pick”. What’s that?11 Likes - Tough conditions force tough decisions! Our ram lamb mob went from 56 to 35 today
Focus on growth rates, conformation and of course, our trademark sweet white stylish wool
Those that made the cut got Permatrace Selenium & Cobalt ... 1 CommentsDo you do private ram sales? ill be needing a ram sometime this year10 LikesFairview Polwarths Ash Trebilco the rams will be available for sale at our annual ram sale to be held on Friday 24th ...
- Photos from Fairview Polwarths's post What a difference a day makes. 12.5mm in the gauge. #polwarth #polwarthsheep #southwestvictoria 1 CommentsWe have only had 4mm best yet for the year still trying to rain.4 Likes
Fairview Polwarths Peter Williams fingers crossed for the Adelaide Hills
- This makes our heart sing
The product of a lifetime of breeding and a year of hard work
Grateful to Cashmere Connections Pty Ltd (Trish) for the support and amazing processing which allows us to share the joys ... 2 Comments
Well done looks amazing8 LikesHear hear! So good to see experts in their field come together.
- This makes our heart sing
The product of a lifetime of breeding and a year of hard work
Grateful to Cashmere Connections Pty Ltd (Trish) for the support and amazing processing which allows us to share the joys ... 3 Comments
That wool looks beautiful polwarth growersRhonda King when you start with a good product Ron , your half way thereLooks absolutely gorgeous. Well done.13 Likes - Photos from Fairview Polwarths's post It would be easy to say, that’s 180m of new fence done. But it’s so much more than that. Built by Greg, who started fencing with his dad 40+ years ago, using the Kubota tractor they bought 40+ years ago ... 5 CommentsWonderful! We have a very old Kubota tractor as well - a little orchard tractor, and it runs on the ...24 Likes
Fairview Polwarths Charlotte Drinnan thanks for your kind words. Although the cover crop is struggling we are lucky to still have more ...Doing a great job Greg,new fence looks great,should last for the next 40 years,cheers
- That’s a wrap on our 2024 Ram Sale.
We’re pleased to report 20 out of 26 rams sold, with the top price reaching $1550 and an average of $997. A big thank you to all our buyers and under-bidders for their ... 4 CommentsWell done team Fairview great result32 LikesWell done guys sounds like you had a successful day.Congratulations to you all
- 10 year old grandson Tom out on the mat with the intermediate ram at the ASWS. Grandpa is keeping a watchful eye in the background. 5 year old granddaughter Dulcie has already notched up six ASWS. The next generation, making ... 4 CommentsGreat photo of the polwarth younger generation,go TomWell done Tom and DulcieGreat photo of the next Potter generation. Gorgeous Dulcie xxx20 Likes
- Photos from Fairview Polwarths's post A piece of Fairview in the fashion parade at Australian Sheep & Wool Show.
This beautiful vest is made from a blend of Polwarth and Alpaca from Adagio Mills.
There is something special about seeing your wool in garments. Grown on ... 2 CommentsYes! More of this!Brilliant.14 Likes - Proud.
Australian Sheep & Wool Show Supreme Champion Polwarth for 2024
Awarded to a senior ram affectionately known as White 51. A ram with good structure, soft pure muzzle, white bright well nourished wool and a wonderful nature14 Comments
Congrats Fairview Team.. all your hard work and expertise rewarded..41 LikesCongratulations Sammy, Greg and Kaye. Huge achievement. Your hard work dutifully rewarded xxxWell done to the Fairview team.,we had a great day,catching up and watching the judging.
- Timeline photos Must be serious stuff…
Representing Polwarths in the Long Wool Interbreed Group under 1.5 years. 5 CommentsPolwarth Sheep Breeders Association of Australia Sheep stations in playAt least Tom is having fun.
Game faces on.
- Local wool producers on show - Colac Herald Our local paper visited last week to talk Australian Sheep and Wool Show
Keeping the Colac Herald classy!22 Likes - We’ve been heads down, bums up at Fairview…
Lambing officially finished Thursday. We won’t know exactly how lambing went until marking BUT the mild weather has certainly been favourable for lamb survival. Mr & Mrsand family on the other ... 10 Likes
- Taking a minute to enjoy this moment
Lambing has slowed as we’re coming to the end of the first cycle and the majority of lambs are on the ground.
Our stud ewes are only joined for one reproductive cycle to Polwarth ... 2 CommentsSounds like smart breeding21 Likes - There are a few minerals that pasture doesn’t supply enough of for ewes in mid to late pregnancy and also into lactation. A mixture of salt, limestone and magnesium oxide doesn’t sound that delicious (for us humans) but the ewes ... 15 Likes